How to Draw a Sugar Skull Lesson Plan

DAY OF THE DEAD SUGAR SKULL – Symmetry, Repetition, Colour

Students use mathematical thinking to draw a skull on black paper. They paint the skull white and utilize markers to decorate it with repeated lines and shapes typical of the designs on thecalaveras de azúcar – saccharide skulls given every bit gifts during The Day of the Dead.


DAY OF THE DEAD SUGAR SKULL – Symmetry, Repetition, Colour - Step One

Step Ane

  1. Paint 2 coats of white acrylic paint on a small piece of black construction paper.
  2. Permit the paint to dry between coats.
  3. Place the paper aside.
  4. Save it for afterwards in this project.

DAY OF THE DEAD SUGAR SKULL – Symmetry, Repetition, Colour - Step Two

Pace Two

  1. Use theHow to Depict a Sugar Skull worksheet to draw a skull. (Downloads – SugarSkulls.pdf)

DAY OF THE DEAD SUGAR SKULL – Symmetry, Repetition, Colour - Step Three

Step Three

  1. Erase the guidelines.
  2. Fold your cartoon in one-half along the vertical line of symmetry.
  3. Cut information technology out.

DAY OF THE DEAD SUGAR SKULL – Symmetry, Repetition, Colour - Step Four

Step Iv

  1. Apply a white pencil to trace the skull onto a piece of blackness structure paper.
  2. Save the cut-out skull for later.

DAY OF THE DEAD SUGAR SKULL – Symmetry, Repetition, Colour - Step Five

Footstep Five

  1. Pigment the skull with 2 coats of white acrylic paint.
  2. Set the painting bated to dry.

DAY OF THE DEAD SUGAR SKULL – Symmetry, Repetition, Colour - Step Six

Step Six

  1. Experiment with colours and designs on the painted paper and skull cutout.

DAY OF THE DEAD SUGAR SKULL – Symmetry, Repetition, Colour - Step Seven

Step 7

  1. Employ the colours and patterns y'all like the best on your painted skull.
  2. Add glitter glue to emphasize parts of the blueprint.
  3. From time to time await at your design from a distance to see it with fresh eyes.

Learning Goals

Students will exist able to:

  • utilize mathematical thinking to depict a symmetrical skull;
  • create a sugar skull design using repeated lines, shapes and colours.
  • demonstrate technical accomplishment and creativity;
  • support their ideas with show plant in the artworks.


Have students:

  • employ theFantastical Clay Animals lesson plan available on this website to learn more than about the Day of the Dead;
  • research The Day of the Dead tradition;
  • create a video of themselves demonstrating how to draw a skull and sharing information nigh the tradition;
  • share their artwork and video with the class.


  1. Identify paints and brushes in baskets for easy distribution.
  2. Place students into groups of most half-dozen so they tin can share materials.
  3. Download and brandish theColour, Line, and Repetitionposters available on this website.
    - review or teach the elements of colour and line – contrasting colours, line - direction, width, length, focus and texture
    - review or teach the principle of repetition – motif, pattern
  4. Get together, and make bachelor, books about sugar skulls and United mexican states, for example, Day of the Expressionless Skulls Coloring Book for Kids ane, past Nick Snels; The Mean solar day of the Dead / El Dia De Los Muertos: A Bilingual Celebration, by Bob Barner; Day of the Dead, by Tony Johnston; andDay of the Dead Activeness Book, by Karl Jones, and Steve Simpson.
  5. Download images of carbohydrate skulls from the Net, for case,
    Tree Sculpture
    Giant Skull
  6. Download and impress the Sugar Skulls worksheet, plenty for each pupil to have ane. (Downloads – SugarSkulls.pdf)


  1. View and discuss the images of sugar skulls in books and from the Internet, drawing attention to their origins and characteristics, for example,
    - Day of the Dead is a festival that has been around since at least the time of the Aztecs
    - it is a Mexican holiday held on November 1 and ii
    - celebrates and honours people who have died
    - saccharide skulls are made to stand for the loved ones who have died that yr
    - real sugar skulls are made of sugar and icing
    - the carbohydrate skulls and lots of other food are offered to entice the loved ones back to earth
    - information technology is a happy celebration of life and decease

    - skulls have symmetrical designs
    - bright colours
    - echo patterns of flowers, vines, hearts and simple shapes
    - fantastical
    - grinning teeth
  2. Innovate the challenge.


The Challenge

  1. Apply mathematical thinking to describe a symmetrical skull.
  2. Create a sugar skull design using repeated lines, shapes and colours.
  3. Demonstrate technical accomplishment and creativity.
  4. Back up your ideas with evidence institute in the artworks.

The Process

  1. Make sure anybody understands the claiming.
  2. Establish success criteria with your students, for case,
    I know I am successful when I have:
    - drawn a symmetrical skull accurately
    - painted a white skull on blackness paper
    - created a symmetrical design using repeated lines, shapes and bright colours
    - kept the newspaper in adept condition
  3. Guide students through the steps outlined in this lesson plan.
  4. Observe students as they work.
  5. Provide individual help and encouragement.


  1. Place students into groups of near half dozen.
  2. Inquire them to view the skulls and to share thoughts near the works.
  3. During the word include references to:
    -Blueprint - How does the design make you lot experience? Why?
    - Colour - What upshot practice the colours take on the overall design?
    - Blueprint - How has pattern been created?
    - Technical Accomplishment - Where tin you lot see that the artist has paid attention to detail?
  4. Ask volunteers to share some ideas with the whole class.


  1. Discover students as they work – thoughtful focus, discriminating, seeking more information, elaborating, experimenting.
  2. Observe students as they share and discuss their sugar skulls – active listening, insightful contributions, supporting ideas with evidence found in the artwork and from personal experience.
  3. Use a checklist to track progress. (Downloads - SugarSkull_tracking.pdf)
  4. Have students apply the self-assessment course to reflect on their work. (Downloads - SugarSkull_self-cess.pdf)


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